Arrow Rests

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Arrow Rests (1970's) Bear Archery rests (1960's)
Barner fall-away arrow rests (1980's)
works by triggering slide inside assembly
causing wire to drop. High speed photography
shows that the arm actually dropped after the arrow left the bow.
Bodoodle Arrow rest overdraw (1995)
Cavalier micro-tune arrow rest (1999) Cavalier Free Flyte Micro Rest (1999)
Early center shot bow designs
#1-J.O.Lowell 1940
#2-C.J. Cameron 1931
#3-W.H.Wright & G.L.Thorne  1897
Martin Fallaway Prong Rest (1989)

Original Martin Fallaway Rest (1984) Flipper Arrow Rests (1970's)

  Magnetic Arrow Rests (1996)
mfg by Hoyt and Yamaha
Martin 3-D Arrow Rest. This design allowed the cables and string to past
the rest without coming in contact with any part of the overdraw.(1989)
Miltron Products "Match 1"
NAP Quick Tune 3000 micro arrowrest (2000) Sabo SSR recurve bow (1969-70) shows earliest versions of
"V" launch arrow rest. The Sabo rest was made in several versions. Some finger shooters drilled the side sight window plate and installed Hoyt adjustable side rest.
(Photo is from a 1970 Sabo ad)
Savage Archery (2000)
made with Teflon or steel prongs
Martin Scepter built-in arrow rest

Springy rest originally manufactured by Pat Norris
 Bonnie Bowman Archery (1970's)
Tuner Arrow Rest (1980)
Nylon wheel with steel bearings. Micro-Tune and standard model
  Williamson Arrow Rest
(Jennings 1976)